Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Why Does Your Nose Bleed

There are a lot of different reasons why a person's nose might bleed. Everyone's body works differently, and some people are more sensitive certain things than others. Here are the top three reasons why your nose might bleed:


Much of the time when a person's nose bleeds, they have an infection of some sort in their nasal cavity that has irritated the skin on the inside of the nose. When you have irritated skin, it swells, and potentially break open because it's too swollen. That's exactly what happens in this case, and when the skin breaks from swelling, it starts to bleed.

High Blood Pressure and Bleeding Disorders:

The pressure going through the veins and capillaries in your nose is a huge factor when it comes to nose bleeds. These tubes that carry your blood are VERY small in the nose, and if you're blood pressure is too high (meaning your blood is rushing through your veins at ridiculous speeds because you're angry), it can cause those little veins and capillaries to burst; resulting in a nose bleed. So calm down, and your nose bleeding shouldn't be an issue.

Stop Picking Your Nose:

We've all done it. If you say you haven't, you'd be lying to yourself. Remember when you were a little kid and you'd stick your finger up there? Or maybe as an adult you have a loose booger that's driving you up the freaking walls? Well sticking your finger up there and picking your nose puts pressure on the tissue and stretches it beyond its normal limit (fingers aren't supposed to go up your nose). Stretching the tissue damages rips and tears your nose apart on the inside! So once the skin is damaged, the normal reaction for the body to repair itself is to send blood rushing to where your finger is at and -oops! Blood.

I hope this post was helpful! Feel free to leave some comments and if you have another "why does" question, don't hesitate to post it in the comments!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why Does My Computer Run Slow

There are many reason why your computer could be running slow:

  1. Your hard drive doesn't have enough space on it and it's slowing everything down
  2. You may have spyware or a virus that is taking up space or moving files - this confuses your computer and makes it want to think long
  3. Somehow your files my have been corrupted (did you shake the computer, or spill something on it? Did you place a magnet near the computer?)
  4. Your computer may run slow because it's overheating
  5. The hardware (all of the hard stuff that the computer is made up of) may be old or damaged
All of these things will cause a computer to run slow. It's important that if you're experiencing this, to get some professional help from a person who fixes computers because they're like "doctors" for computers. They'll usually be able to fix it right away.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Why Does Shaken Soda Explode

Shaken soda explodes because of a gas that put into the soda itself. Soda is made up
of 3 different things:

1) syrup
2) water
3) carbonation (a gas that makes the soda bubbly)

Carbonation,water and sugar aren't really good friends. Sugar and water like to
hang out together and mix well, but carbonation (the little fizzy bubbles) are
always trying to escape. When you shake the bottle, the carbonation bubbles get
excited (more like angry, much more than they were before), and they push really
hard on the inside of the bottle. This creates what's called "pressure" inside the
bottle, and when you open it, that pressure is released...and the fizzy bubbles are
trying really hard to escape- but while they're escaping, they fling water and
syrup at you in the process. :( Bummer.

Ways to Open a Shaken Soda Without It Exploding:

Tap for a few seconds on the top of the bottle. This causes those little angry
carbonation bubbles to settle-down and get more calm so you can drink the soda.
You might have to do this a few times before you don't get sprayed.